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Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland is a Winter Festival planned specially for Stone Hill students to enjoy the festive season before everyone goes away for the holidays. This event brings a lot of positive spirits, fun, happiness and holiday cheer to Stone Hill community. We look forward to celebrating the holiday season with you.

Date and Location

Saturday, Dec 7th, 2024


Time: 11:00am - 4:00pm.


Basketball Court (situated at the back of the school)

Stone Hill Middle School

23415 Evergreen Ridge Drive

Ashburn, VA, 20148




Tickets help cover cost and expenses of running the event.

SHMS PTO is a non-profit organization which raises funds from Stone Hill community to bring a variety of events and activities to support Stone Hill Community, Students and Staff.



Tickets (Non-Refundable): $8 each (Child or Adult)

(Online ticketing open until Friday, Dec 6th at 2:00pm)


Tickets at the Door: $10 each (Child or Adult)


(Supreme PTO members, get 4 free tickets. Any additional family members will need to purchase a ticket.)

All Supreme PTO members planning to attend the event are strongly encouraged to get their tickets in advance.


Stone Hill families Purchase Online Tickets here:


Guests of Stone Hill - Any friends or extended family can purchase their tickets here:



What to Expect at Winter Wonderland

This is expected to be a fun filled event with a DJ, Hot Cocoa, Food, Free Games, Raffle prizes, Holiday Shopping and a great time with their friends and family. All family and friends (including those from outside Stone Hill) are invited to enjoy the Festival. Visitors to this festival are encouraged to bring cash if they are interested in purchasing merchandise and food during the event for easy payment transactions.



Winter Wonderland Marketplace

At Winter Wonderland, Stone Hill students will be setting up a Marketplace where they will bring a variety of beautiful creations to sell. These creations can be crafts, apparels, handicrafts, games, holiday activity or an interactive experience.

Registration as Student Vendors is only available to Stone Hill students. Stone Hill Students can however partner with their siblings(all ages) and friends to set up their shop.


Registration Fee: $20/booth. Includes 2 free tickets for Family and Friends.


Stone Hill Student Vendors who are interested in setting up their booths can register below: 

SHMS Winter Wonderland Marketplace Registration Form


Registrations Open 

Sun, Nov 17th at 6:00pm to Sat to Nov 30th at 12:00pm


Virtual Information Sessions for Students Interested in being Student Vendors :

This Virtual Session has been set-up to set expectations and answer any questions that students or parents may have. 2 Virtual Information Sessions will be conducted to give students and families multiple opportunities to attend. Only one of the two sessions need to be attended.


Virtual Sessions Date and Time:

  • Wednesday, Nov 20th at 6:30pm (1 hour)

  • Monday, Nov 25th at 6:30pm (1 hour) (Repeat)


Virtual Link for both sessions:



FAQs For Participating Student Vendors


Who can participate?
This Market Place is primarily for Stone Hill students to set up a shop and showcase their creativity and entrepreneurial skills. Stone Hill students can partner with siblings(all ages) or friends to participate in it as long as Stone Hill students are the primary participant.

Why is there a $20 Registration Fee?
The $20 Registration Fee is for accountability and for SHMS PTO to cover various expenses that go into organizing an event like this. Due to limited space, Student Vendor registration is on a first come first serve basis. 


Registration Cancellations and Refunds

Registration fee is refundable if you withdraw your application by Sun, Nov 24th 11:59pm so another interested Stone Hill student can get your spot.

If a student vendor needs to withdraw their application, they can withdraw/cancel by sending an email to with their Business Name, their name and contact information. If your request to cancel is received on or after Mon, Nov 25th, the registration will be canceled, and your spot will be offered to a waiting student vendor. No refund of Registration Fee will be refunded on or after Mon, Nov 25th. Last minute cancellations and no shows are strongly discouraged.



Payment Options
This event is outdoors so LCPS-Open wireless network connectivity will be limited. Student Vendors can accept cash and any digital payment E.g. Venmo, Paypal, Zelle etc. that is set-up by their parents. Student Vendors are encouraged to print QR codes for their acceptable payment options and have them displayed on their booth for easy transaction. Student Vendors are expected to have a “cash”box with change and small bills so they can easily return balances for cash transactions.


What are Student Vendors expected to bring for Booth Set-up and decoration


  1. Foldable table (6ft long) and 2 chairs, 

  2. Canopy if they have one (recommended for outdoor set-up. Not required for indoor set-up),

  3. Table Cloth

  4. Booth Decorations, Banners, Stands, Fliers, Brochures

  5. Promotional Material for their Products

  6. Payment Options on Display with QR Codes

  7. Complete Ingredients List on display if selling Food Items

  8. Small or sharp items are to be kept out of reach of small children to avoid any mishaps or accidents.

  9. Bring cleaning supplies to leave your area as clean and little free as you found it.


Booth Set-up and Wrap-up Times

Set-up Time: 9:00am - 10:30am

Wrap-up Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm


Unloading and Wrap Up Instructions on the day of the event -

Cars can enter from the Bus Loop pathway to get to the back of the school to Basketball courts. They should unload quickly at the spot where their booth is going to be and then exit towards the parking lot to park their cars. 

All cars are expected to be cleared and moved to the parking lot by 10:30am. All booths are expected to finish setting up by 10:30am. 

During wrap-up, the cars will come in reverse order. Enter the pathway from the parking area to the Basket Ball court, load and exit from the Bus Loop.


Will student vendors be allowed to keep proceeds they earn from their business at the event

Yes, the proceeds from the sale of their products are for them to keep and enjoy.

How does this event enrich students?
Winter Wonderland MarketPlace mimics the real world Marketplace where real businesses participate to promote their products and services, establish their brand as well as acquire new long-term customers. This Marketplace presents the same opportunities to Stone Hill students. By participating in the event, they not only learn how to source raw materials and create products, they also learn various aspects of building a brand for their product, promotion material and managing money. They learn profit and loss, expenses, renting equipment if they need any. They also learn to create and learn how to present sales pitches to sell their products. Through this opportunity, they are able to get a full cycle understanding of entrepreneurship as well as the effort that goes into it. If they ever choose to be their own bosses, this experience will definitely come-in handy.

Can multiple students sign up for one booth?
Yes. At max 2-3 students can partner for one business so they all can divide the tasks and are not crowding their booth. All the names of the participants must be listed in the same registration form so they all can be registered in one booth.

Can siblings set up their own separate booths?
Yes. If each sibling chooses to have their own separate booth, they can have one each. A separate registration form needs to be filled for each sibling (and their business partner(s)). A separate Registration fee applies for each registration.

What kinds of products can the students sell?
Students can get as creative as they like. Some high-level categories can be - Custom Apparels, Jewelry, STEM related products, food, Art, Toys, Do It Yourselves (DIYs), Home items, Decorative items etc. Being the holiday season, students are encouraged to create Holiday themed products and bring them to the MarketPlace to sell.

Students are not expected to bring or sell any products that can harm or injure anyone. Use of drugs, arms, any prohibited items that are against the school policy and the law are strictly prohibited from this event. 

Will students be provided power outlets, extension wires or access to them?
Being an outdoor event, there is no access to power outlets and no extension wires are expected to be provided, brought nor expected to be used during this event.


Can we invite our extended family and friends to support our child's booth?
Yes, Families, extended families, neighbors, friends, fans, followers all are most welcome to visit Stone Hills’ Winter Wonderland and enjoy the festivities. 

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